
contrast cards

Contrast cards

We have created a set of contrast cards that we’ve been using with our little ones to help their visual development and you are so welcome to download your set, just click the link below and they’ll be sent to your inbox! 

Why use contrast cards

Our visual sense is our least developed sense at birth, our little ones initially see in contrast and have a short focal length and their visual system being completely developed at the age of two. Our visual sense is really easy to overwhelm so taking it easy, showing our little ones things that they can see in focus is really helpful and can help them strengthen the tiny muscles that control and support their eye movements. 

How to use your contrast cards

Always keep your little one in eye sight and arms reach at all times, keeping your baby safe and well. Supervise their use and don’t let the cards go near mouths. Be completely baby led when using with your little ones, your little ones capacity to play will depend on lots of things, from tiredness and hunger through to how bright the room is! 


If they are distracted, choose a different time to play when your little one is calm and alert


Play ideas for your contrast cards

1. show your little one an image – take your time to talk them through it and name your characters! Helps their visual development, listening skills, concentration and early communication skills


2. pop it beside your changing table so they can regularly spend time looking at it


3. use as part of a story


4. pop one or two toys alongside and integrate it into a play session


5. use it as a distraction during tummy time!


repeat often, repetition is really important for brain development and helping us strengthen muscles

Have lots of fun!