Would you like to know more about how to support your baby’s development?
how to play with your baby is our free baby development workshop
The training lasts just over an hour and your baby doesn’t need to be awake to join, this is a little training perfect for new parents and parents to be. There is time for questions with our team afterwards too. It is focused on baby brain development, sensory development and play for little ones aged from birth to 12 months. We’ll talk you through sensory development, baby brains and give you some play ideas you can do at home with your little one!
All of our classes are delivered online, please check our dates below to register for your place. Places are limited and tend to go quickly so early booking is recommended.
Once you register we’ll be in touch with further information on how to join the session so please add us to your safe senders list – hello@thesensorysessions.com
What our workshop participants have said….
Online workshop dates
We would love to help support you to support your baby, sign up below for your free place on one of our workshops
The content of each workshop is the same, please sign up for one date only
– workshops are delivered live on zoom, to join the call you must use your own name as your user name, we are unable to accept users using nicknames, business names or device names (e.g. iPhone) into the meeting so please check your settings before the workshop
– all information is copyright The Sensory Sessions, please do not share, broadcast or distribute without our permission. Please contact us at hello@thesensorysessions.com if you require any assistance.
If the dates above are all full – please register here for information on dates when available