We get asked a lot for suggestions of toys for little ones and we’ve popped together some of our favourite toys that we use regularly during our sessions.
They range from some smaller resources, to some larger toys and toys for our toddlers and preschoolers. We’ve also tried to pop in some information on how the resources benefit your little one’s development.
We’ve popped in brands and toys that we are really familiar with and are loved by the little ones who came to our in person sessions. There are lots of other manufactures of similar toys, and lots of the toys are available in different textures, please do your research to choose the toy best to suit your needs.
We’ve linked each toy photo to amazon for ease, but please do shop around, to ensure that you are getting the best price and buying from an incredible source, there are lots of amazing small businesses around who would appreciate your support. Lots of these are available second hand too. Do some searching around for the best options for your little one.
We hope that you find our list helpful.
Always keep your baby, toddler or preschooler in eye sight and arms reach at all times. Some of the toys are recommended for independent play with an older child, for younger babies please ensure that they are supervised by an adult at all times.
Wheely bugz are very popular in sessions, our little ones with head control can be sat on it and rolled gently backwards and forwards. Over time once they have their balance and their feet can touch the ground they can be more independent moving it around. They are fun toys, loved by our little ones but they are small and can be short lived if your baby is tall.
Pikler triangles, slides and arches are investment toys that your little one can engage with from being on the move throughout their preschool years. They are adaptable and can be purchased in separate components and altered to help your little one’s gross motor skills, balance and co-ordination. Triclimb make beautiful ones