
play at home

play at home

We would love to welcome you along to play!


To support you during lockdown we have put together a little 4 week package of sensory development classes, along with some printables and a training to support you to support your  little one with play at home. Play at home has always been important at the moment it feels more important than every as we have limited opportunities to get out and about. The great news is that there is lots we can do to support our baby’s development at home and we are here to help.


Our sessions are lead by our  health & education professionals who are specially trained in sensory play with babies. We are here to help & support you with your baby’s development through a 4 week sensory package.


  • We will be running two live sensory development classes a week, these classes will be recorded and uploaded to our website for you to view on catch up.
  • Sending out weekly printables on activities you can do at home.
  • Running a sensory development training and giving you opportunities to ask our team questions.

Access to the content starts from when you register for 4 weeks and costs £20.


Please register using the form below


We hope to meet you soon!