Spot the Dalmatian
Meet Spot
Spot the Dalmatian is one of our favourite hand puppets, he feels amazing and he is a beautiful contrast toy which is amazing for visual development!
We are putting together a little bundle where we will post you your very own Spot hand puppet and will run a sensory class around visual development, contrast and colour that you can join us live for or watch on catch up.
The bundle of the hand puppet, postage within the UK and class costs £12 and all proceeds are going to be donated to Trussell Trust. We’d love your support for this amazing cause!
You can purchase your Spot by clicking the link below. We’ll start dispatching them week beginning 22nd of March and we’ll be in touch with some date options for your play session at the end of March and beginning of April.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any further information or for a postage quote outwith the UK.
We really appreciate your support!
Notes – Spot is sold as a toy that an adult will use with a baby to support their sensory development, your little one shouldn’t be left unsupervised with Spot (or any toy) at any time for their own safety.