
Sensory September 2022

Welcome to Sensory September!

We have 4 weeks of classes, trainings and printables to share with you and we can’t wait to welcome you along to play! 


This week we are going to be talking all about our sensory systems and working on our motor skills and tracking skills in our online classes! 



Online class schedule

Week Beginning 19th September – Under The Sea


Tuesday 27th September


10.00am – play along – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85712376457 

You will need 

– chiffon, scarf or muslin square

– small toy for tracking

– music toy




Wednesday 28th September


10.30am – sensory class – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88220514976

 You will need 

– chiffon

– duck or yellow toy

– two different textured toys

– toys and material for an under the sea themed play space


How to join a call
Click the links above to be taken to zoom just before the start time, zoom pops you in a waiting room and we’ll get you in just as soon as we can. We are unable to give you access to a call once we have started the activities.
These links are only active during the live call and are exclusively for those booked into our classes.
For security please make sure that your zoom user name is your real name (and your baby’s!) to ensure that we are just giving access to our calls to those registered with us. We are unable to give access to people logging onto the sessions as ‘iPhone’ or ‘user’ please use your details so we can identify you. 

Contrast cards

We love contrast cards!


Amazing for visual development and helping with concentration skills too. Click the images below to download some sets that we’ve created for you!

When our little ones are born, they don’t yet have control over the muscles that work their eyes, oculomotor control, so by playing in a visual way not only are we helping these muscles, we are giving their eyes interesting things to see, interpret and discriminate.

These contrast cards have been designed to stimulate the visual abilities of your baby and you can use them to encourage healthy sensory development.

The contrast sheets can be printed out and cut into separate cards and we’ve given lots of options of dark images on a light background, light images on a dark background and some abstract shapes and recognisable ones too so that you can talk to your little one about them. They are a great basis for play with a newborn baby. 

Always make sure that your baby is within eyesight and arms reach when carrying out activities, make sure cards don’t go near mouths and have fun talking through the cards with your little one to add an auditory element to the activity too.
