Our dietitian led trainings on weaning and nutrition from birth to age of 5
We get asked a lot of questions about weaning and nutrition in our groups and have two amazing sets of trainings from an early years dietitian all about introducing food to your tiny little people.
They are just incredible. Lucy, the early years dietitian, has recorded trainings for us that are so much help when it comes to understanding the weaning process for our babies and supporting the nutritional needs of our toddlers and preschoolers.
For the first time, we’ve popped the trainings together in a bundle so you can support your child’s needs.
we'd love to introduce you to Lucy
Lucy has put together two amazing courses for us all about weaning and nutrition from birth through to the age of 5
For our babies
We have a three part training that covers –
– why the weaning process is important
– laying down foundations for lifelong healthy
– embracing & understanding family mealtimes
– helping to prevent future fussy eating
– the sensory experience of food
– meeting nutritional needs
– why starting at around six months is not only better physiologically but easier for parents too
– signs that baby is ready to start weaning
– traditional and baby led weaning
and top tips for your weaning journey!
for our toddlers &
a four part dietitian training series that covers
– laying the foundations of a healthy relationship
with food
– self regulation
– family mealtimes and structure
– the division of responsibility
– working balance across meals
– reducing stress at mealtimes
– interacting with food
– length of mealtimes & routines
– balance of foods
– fluids and fluid rich foods
– snacks
– portion sizes and nutrients
– eating variety of foods
– supplements
and so much more!
bonus content also included
Access to
– online first aid training which covers topics including choking, allergies, burns and minor injuries
– access to nutrition/weaning Q&A sessions recorded with Lucy. There is not currently a Q&A scheduled with Lucy
These trainings have been watched by thousands and the feedback each time is incredible!
‘Lucy is wonderful and these trainings are gold dust!’ Carrie & Ronan
‘I’m an NHS GP and I knew nothing about weaning and was incredibly stressed about it. Lucy’s trainings are calm, reassuring and so easy to understand. I really feel that I can meet my baby’s nutritional needs’ Kim
‘ I have learnt so much that has not just benefited my baby, but my whole family! My 7 year old is benefiting from these courses too!’ Libby and Craig
‘thank you, thank you, thank you! I was so overwhelmed but now we are having fun. Mealtimes are so different’ Thomas
Our weaning and nutrition bundle is available to buy until 1st of March, limited spaces available
The package that includes the weaning training and the nutrition training costs £110 separately, we have an offer on during February to access both trainings and have the courses available for 12 months for just £49. Dashboard links will be made available from Friday 1st March